ISUD 2002 - Asahi Ryunetsu Student Paper Award

In order to promote student work in the field of ultrasonic Doppler methods for fluid mechanics and fluid engineering, the Organizing committee awards the ISUD 2002 - Asahi Ryunetsu Student Paper Award to the following two persons:

  • Mr. Daniel S. Hersberger, Laboratory of Hydraulic Construction (LCH) of EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, for his outstanding paper entitled "Measurement of 3D flow field in a 90° bend with Ultrasonic Doppler Velocity Profiler"

  • Mr. Adhy Kurniawan, Environmental Hydraulics Laboratory (LHE) of EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, for his outstanding paper entitled "Velocity and turbulence measurements in a scour hole using an acoustic Doppler velocity profiler"


Student Paper Award ceremony, 11 september 2002, EPFL - Pricegiving by Dr. Greg King, Chairman of the competition, to Mr. Daniel S. Hersberger (left) and Mr. Adhy Kurniawan (right)

Paper nomination

According to the competition regulations, student paper authors had to apply for the award, or being nominated by a co-author or Professor before August 23, 2002.

The following authors have been nominated:

  • Vojtech Bares, for his paper entitled "Unsteady Free-surface Flow Analysis in Circular Tube using Ultrasonic Doppler Method"
  • Koen Blanckaert, for his paper entitled "Analysis of coherent flow structures in a bend based on instantaneous-velocity profiling"
  • Thomas Geisler, for his paper entitled "Ultrasonic velocity profile measurements in pipes and flumes in a hydraulic laboratory"
  • Daniel Hersberger, for his paper entitled "Measurement of 3D flow field in a 90° bend with Ultrasonic Doppler Velocity Profiler"
  • Adhy Kurniawan, for his paper entitled "Velocity and turbulence measurements in a scour hole using an acoustic Doppler velocity profiler"
  • Masaaki Motozawa, for his paper entitled "Ultrasonic propagation properties in a magnetic fluid"
  • Hideki Murakawa, for his paper entitled "Measurement of Reynolds Stress in Bubbly Flow using Ultrasonic Doppler Method"
  • Didier Vuarnoz, for his paper entitled "Ultrasonic velocity profiler UVP-XW for Ice-slurry flow characterisation"
  • Sanehiro Wada, for his paper entitled "Multiline Flow Rate Measurement using Ultrasonic Doppler Method"

Jury of the competition

The Jury was composed of the following members:

  • Prof. David Andereck (Physics, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
  • Dr. Walter E. Fischer (Physics, PSI, Villigen, Switzerland)
  • Dr. David Hurther (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA)
  • Dr. Greg King (School of Engineering, Warwick Univ., Coventry, United Kingdom) - Chairman of the competition

Award regulations

    1. Student paper authors have to apply for the award, or being nominated by a co-author or Professor before August 23, 2002, to the local organizing committee of the 3rd ISUD.
    2. To be eligible, candidates (first author of the paper) must be registered as a full-time student at a higher educational institution at undergraduate, master, or doctoral level.
    3. Exceptionally, doctorates that finished recently their work are eligible if at the date of submission of their paper, their PhD thesis is not more than six months old and the presented work related to the dissertation.
    4. The nominated papers must be among the papers submitted and accepted for the Symposium and printed in the proceedings.
    5. The papers will be distributed among the Jury for grading by each member.
    6. Grading goes between 1 and 10, 10 being the maximum.
    7. Grading should take into account significance of the topic chosen, originality, writing style, the author's ability to situate it in a theoretical framework and within the development of the discipline, solidity and rigour of argumentation, clarity, organization and conciseness, and the overall contribution of the paper.
    8. The winning paper(s) will be selected primarly based on the maximum average points; the average is calculated taking into account all the received notes.
    9. The award amounts to a total of CHF 1000.-.
    10. If the winning papers are written by more than one student, the prize is divided equally among the authoring students.
    11. The grading has to be handed in in written form or by e-mail by the Jury members the first day of the Symposium at the latest.
    12. Recourse to legal action is not allowed. The Jury has the right to modify the regulations without prior notice.
    13. The winners will receive a certificate.

The Organizing committee would like to thank Asahi Thermal and Fluid System Ltd in Nagoya, Japan as sponsor of the ISUD 2002 Student Paper Award and to all the jury members for the reviewing and grading of the nominated papers.

Copyright © 2002 [LCH-EPFL/De Cesare]. All rights reserved.