1. International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler method
in Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering - ISUD

Villigen PSI, Switzerland

September 09-11, 1996


Download the full Symposium Abstracts as pdf file (some 14.7 MB).
Download the Symposium Proceedings as pdf file (some 14.2 MB) with some selected papers.
The links on the program here below refers to the individual abstracts of the presentations (where available).
The table of contents with links to the individual papers of the Symposium Proceedings figures after the program.

Monday, 09.09.1996




08.30 - 09.00


09.00 - 09.40


09.40 - 10.40

Plenary lecture (1) (Chair: W. Fischer)
Dr. F. Busse, Uni. Bayreuth
Sequences of Bifurcation in Fluid Flows and Coherent Structures in Turbulence

10.40 - 11.10

Coffee Break

11.10 - 12.40

Session 1: Rotaing system (Chair: A. Tokuhiro)

11.10 - 11.40

Schouveiler, Le Gal, Chauve, Takeda, IRPHE
Wave Competition in the Flow Between Rotating and a Stationary Disk

11.40 - 12.10

King, Lange, Takeda, Uni. Warwick
Comparison of transition in concentric end eccentric Taylor-Couette flows

12.10 - 12.40

Takeda, PSI
Quasi-periodic state and transition to turbulence in a rotating Couette system

12.40 - 14.00

Lunch Break

14.00 - 15.30

Session 2: Flow Mapping (Chair: M.P. Chauve)

14.00 - 14.30

Wächter, Durst, Hoefken, Steidl, LSTM Erlangen
Application of the ultrasound velocity measuring technique to stirred vessel flows with multi element stirrers

14.30 - 15.00

Tokuhiro, Kobayashi, Ohki, Hayashida, Kamide, PNC
An overview of experiments using the ultrasonic Doppler method at the PNC

15.00 - 15.30

Lemmin, Rolland, EPFL-LRH
Acoustic Doppler Velocity Profilers: Application to turbulent flow in hydraulic open channel and lakes

15.30 - 16.00

Photo / Coffee break

16.00 - 17.30

Session 3: Gas-Liquid system (Chair: W. Windhab)

16.00 - 16.30

Aritomi, Nakajima, Shou, Takeda, Mor, Yoshioka, TIT
Measurement system of two-phase flow using ultrasonic velocity profile monitor

16.30 - 17.00

Zhou, Aritomi, Mizoguchi, Takeda, Mori, Yoshioka, TIT
Multi-dimensional flow-characteristics of countercurrent bubbly flow, (II) Effects of air and water flow rates


Tuesday, 10.09.1996


08.30 - 10.30

Session 4: Wake (Chair: M. Aritomi)

08.30 - 09.00

Peschard, Le Gal, Takeda, IRPHE
On the structure of the cylinder wake

09.00 - 09.30

Peschard, Ravoux, Le Gal, Takeda, Chauve, IRPHE
Collective behavior of wakes shed by a row of cylinders

09.30 - 10.00

Michaux-Leblond, Belorgey, Attiach, Uni. Havre
Benard von Karman vortx street development behind a heated cylinder

10.00 - 10.30

Inoue, Yamashita, Kumada, Suzuka
An experimental study on a wake of a torus using UVP monitor

10.30 - 11.00

Coffee Break

11.00 - 12.00

Session 5: Jet (Chair: P. Le Gal)

11.00 - 11.30

Tokuhiro, PNC
Investigation of free and forced flows of relevance to fast reactor thermohydraulics using the ultrasonic Doppler method

11.30 - 12.00

Sakakibara, Morioka, Hayashi, Takeda, Keio University
Vortex motion of free coaxial jet

12.00 - 13.30

Lunch Break

14.00 - 16.00

Discussion Session: What can we do with the huge data set? (Chair: G. King)

14.10 - 15.00

Dr. T. Ertl, Uni. Erlangen
Visualization Techniques for Fluid Flow Fields

15.00 - 15.30

Dr. M. Kirby, State University of Colorado
A General Approach to Dimensionality Reduction






Wednesday, 11.09.1996

08.30 - 09.30

Plenary lecture (2) (Chair: Y. Takeda)
Dr. G. King, Univ. Warwick
Singular System Analysis

Dr. M.P. Chauve, IRPHE Marseille
Some application of Biorthogonal Decomposition

09.30 - 10.30

Session 6: Methododolgy & Rheological flow (Chair: G. King)

09.30 - 10.30

Willemetz, SPSA
Influence of fixed and moving interfaces in the measurement of the velocity profiles

10.00- 10.30

Ouriev, Windhab, ETHZ
Rheological Study of Non-Newtonian Fluids

10.30 - 11.00

Coffee Break

11.00 - 12.30

Session 7: Magnetic fluid (Chair: A. Tokuhiro)

11.00 - 11.30

Sawada, Kikura, Tanahashi, Keio Univ.
UVP measurement on magnetic fluid sloshing

11.30 - 12.00

Kikura, Takeda, Durst, LSTM Erlangen
Taylor Vortex Flow of a magnetic fluid

12.00 - 13.30

Lunch Break

13.30 - 15.00

Open Session (Chair: Y. Takeda)





The following two abstracts were not in the program



Nakamura, Kondo, Kukita

Simultaneous Measurement of Liquid Velocity and Interface Profiles of Horizontal Duct Wavy Flow by Ultrasonic Velocity Profile Meter


Cardin, Nataf, Pascal, Attiach

Velocity measurements in a vortex of liquid Gallium

Table of contents with links to the individual papers of the Symposium Proceedings

  1. Spiral and circular waves in the flow between a rotating and stationary disk

L.Schouveiler, P. Le Gal and M.P. Chauve

  1. Application of the ultrasound velocity technique to stirred vessel flows

P. Wachter, W. Steidl, M. Hofke and F. Durst

  1. Acoustic Doppler velocity profilers: application to correlation measurements in open-channel flow

T. Rolland and U. Lemmin

  1. Measurements system and multi-dimentional flow characteristics of bubbly countercurrent flow – Effects of Air and Water Flow Rates-

S. Zhou, M. Aritomi, J. Mizoguchi, Y. Takeda and M. Mori

  1. On the spation-temporal structure of the cylinder wake

I. Peschard, P. Le Gal and Y. Takeda

  1. An experimental study on a wake of a torus body using UVP monitor

Y. Inoue, S. Yamashita and M. Kumada

  1. An experimental investigation on thermal striping. Mixing phenomena of a non-buoyant jet with two adjacent buoyant jets as measured by ultrasound Doppler velocimetry

A. Tokuhiro

  1. Kinematic characteristics of magnetic fluid sloshing in a rectangular container subject to non-uniform magnetic fields

T. Sawada, H. Kikura and T. Tanahashi