Welcome to ISUD 2023
Thank You for Attending ISUD 2023
The 14th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering (ISUD 2023) was successfully held at Kobe University, Kobe, Japan from October 28-30, 2023. The symposium was organized by the Visualization Society of Japan.
In ISUD 2023, we had 2 keynote lectures, 1 special lecture, and 27 technical presentations. In total, 42 persons attended the technical session, and 8 persons were accompanying. All the presentations were beneficial, important, and interesting research. This conference has traditionally been held in a single session. Therefore, all participants could listen to all the presentations, making it an excellent opportunity to exchange information on recent topics regarding fluid measurement using ultrasound techniques. At this meeting, we valued sharing a family-like atmosphere. I hope that in the future while maintaining our past traditions, we will develop into new research fields and increase our colleagues. This conference was supported by Met-Flow, UBERTONE, KBK, FlowBiz, Japan
Probe, and NIIGATA. I appreciate all the sponsors. I believe all of you could enjoy this conference and could exchange good information with the participants. On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who was involved in this conference.
The next ISUD 2025 will be held in Grenoble, France in 2025. See you at the next meeting!
The winner of the Ubertone Student Award
Grand prize: Mr. Kohei Ohie, Hokkaido University
Flow prediction of complex fluids using rheometry coupled with ultrasonic velocity profiler
Encouragement prize: Ms. Sana Maeda, Kobe University
Effect of transverse magnetic field on rising bubble behavior in gallium eutectic alloy

- 6 October 2023: Final program has been uploaded.
- 30 August 2023: Optional tour will be held on 26th ~ 27th, October. (The details are given below.)
- 25 August 2023: Tentative program is now available.
- 11 July 2023: Registration is open.
- 30 June 2023: Venue updated (Access to venue and Accommodations are added.)
Optional tour
Tsuruga Power Station and Tsuruga Training Center Optional Tour (Oct. 26 - Oct. 27):
The optional tour of Tsuruga Power Station Unit 1, Tsuruga Power Station Unit 2, Tsuruga Training Center, Tsuruga Visitor Center, and Mihama Nuclear Emergency Assistance Center are scheduled for ISUD2023. The number of participants for this optional tour will be limited to a maximum of 10 persons. An additional fee will be required for this optional tour.
Participants will meet at Tsuruga Station at 13:30 on Oct. 26. Participants are responsible for their own transportation to Tsuruga Station on that day. After the tour, we will return to Tsuruga station from the tour at 16:10 on Oct. 27.
If you wish to participate in the optional tour, please send your name, affiliation,
and e-mail address to the following contact address (application deadline: Sept. 29). Tour details will be sent to those who wish to participate.
Tentative schedule
Optional Tour Application E-mail Address:isud2023_tour@safel.mech.e.titech.ac.jp
Call for papers
Purpose of the Symposium is to convene both specialists and newcomers to share the present knowledge about the ultrasonic Doppler methods, presenting the various studies conducted using such methods, the related methodology development itself and the implied future prospects.
Conference topics
- Fundamental Flows
- Applied Flows
- Environmental Flows
- Flow Metering and Flow Mapping
- Signal Processing and Methodology
- Acoustic Characterization
- Ultrasound Spectroscopy & Microscopy
Important dates
15 January 2023 17 February 2023 : Submission deadline of abstract
28 February 2023 : Notification of abstract acceptance
31 May 2023 16 June 2023 : Submission deadline of Extended abstract
31 August 2023 : Submission deadline of revised extended abstract
31 August 2023 : Early-bird registration due
30 September 2023 :Regular registration due
23-25 October 2023 :Conference dates
26-27 October 2023 :Technical tour (Optional)