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BSSE eSymposium _1 June 2021

Find past eSymposiums and their recordings

D-BSSE eSymposium _1 Jun 2021: Predicting clinical phenotypes with machine learning

D-BSSE eSymposium _30 Mar 2021: Spatially resolved single-​cell biology

D-BSSE eSymposium _24 Nov 2020: Engineering biology - where are we?

D-BSSE eSymposium _13 Oct 2020: What do SARS-CoV-2 genomes tell us about their evolution and spread?

Study at D-BSSE

Find information on the two D-BSSE Master's degree programmes (Master in Biotechnology, and Master in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics) and on the D-BSSE PhD programme.

Research at D-BSSE related to the COVID-19 pandemic


Epidemiology and evolution of COVID-​19 in real-​time; see also: Selected press coverage (Computational Evolution group led by Tanja Stadler)

ETH News article highlightig D-BSSE COVID-19 projects (17 April 2020).

Wiki page on D-BSSE-specific COVID-19 information (Password required).

Recording of the D-BSSE eSymposium held on 13 October: "What do SARS-CoV-2 genomes tell us about their evolution and spread?"

Information for media.

More stories around COVID-19 at D-BSSE:
“We also had quite a lot of issues that arose from the 'corona-situation'”- Interview with Monika Keller (8 April 2021); “Some examples show that it is extremely beneficial to teach by way of a digital format” - Interview with Study Director Petra Dittrich (22 March 2021); “People should know there is always someone who listens to them” - Interview with the Persons of Trust at D-BSSE (22 February 2021); Blueprint for Understanding the Pandemic (09 February 2021); “Our goal must be low case numbers” (01 February 2021); Spread of a novel SARS-​CoV-2 variant across Europe in summer 2020 (29 October 2020); "All students and postdocs can actively shape this department" (9 July 2020); “We help you investigate the toxicity or potential side effects of your drug - free of charge! (2 July); “Unfortunately, very little attention turned into sales”
(5 June); "In this global pandemic D-BSSE is capable of tackling every aspect" (25 May); What is it like to help out in a hospital pharmacy during COVID-19 times? (6 May); Raising awareness for the pandemic in India (30 April); During COVID-19 times teaching has gone virtual - what is next? - Interview with Study Director Dagmar Iber (29 April); What does it mean to be the manager of the D-BSSE shutdown? (17 April); Podcast with Tanja Stadler (16 April 2020); How are you dealing with the home-office situation? (8 April 2020)

Our Spin-offs

From the Theory of Biosystems to Understanding and Engineering Cells and Organisms


Research in life sciences is central to overcoming the challenges of human health and disease, production processes in industry and their impact on the environment. The magnitude and complexity of these challenges call for a paradigm shift towards holistic, systems-based and interdisciplinary approaches. At the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE), experimental and computational biologists and engineers work together in an interdisciplinary team in order to conduct comprehensive analysis of complex processes in cells and organisms. They develop strategies and techniques for the programming and rational design of cell functions, and implement these in complex biological systems. D-BSSE research is driven by open scientific questions and unmet societal needs in biotechnology and life sciences.
The mission of D-BSSE is the understanding, rational design and programming of complex biological systems from the nanoscale up to whole organisms.

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