13th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering (ISUD 2021)

Main content

June 13-15 2021, ETH Zürich, Switzerland


The 13th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering (ISUD 2021) will be held at ETH Zürich, Switzerland from June 13-15, 2021. It will be our great pleasure to welcome you.

Purpose of the Symposium is to convene both specialists and newcomers to share the present knowledge about the ultrasonic Doppler methods, presenting the various studies conducted using such methods, the related methodology development itself and the implied future prospects.

1. Conference mode

The conference will be held in hybrid form. ETH participants are allowed to join in person. Non-ETH participants are asked to join remotely via Zoom. If you wish to join in person, please indicate this in the registration procedure.

2. Registration

Please register at the following link until 11th of June:
The fee of participation is 200 CHF and can be paid by credit card. After registration you will receive a confirmation mail with the Link to the conference. If you are a student, you are allowed to join the conference for free. Please submit your student registration confirmation in the registration process.

3. Student awards

Two student awards will be awarded. Eligible for the award are all works which have been performed in the context of a Bachelor-, Master- or PhD thesis and will be presented by the corresponding student. You do not need to be still enrolled as a student to be eligible. If you wish to apply, please send your presentation to . The evaluation will be based on the extended abstract and the presentation. Judge’s decision is final.

4. Test dates for doing a precheck are:

1. 10th of June at 0900-1100 Switzerland time (=UTC+2h)
2. 11th of June at 1500-1700 Switzerland time (=UTC+2h)
You will be able to connect to the distributed conference link after your registration. Once you joined the meeting you will be asked to share your presentation. Please use the camera and microphone which you intend to use at the actual conference.
The ISUD2021 organizing committee is looking forward to seeing you at the conference!


Message from the Organizing Committee:

Dear Symposium participant,

The journal Experiments in Fluids has offered to publish a Topical Collection of selected contributions from the “International Symposium on Ultrasound Doppler Method for Fluid Mechanics and Fluids Engineering 2021” (ISUD-2021) in a future volume after the symposium. Organizing committee members of the ISUD-2021 will select the candidate manuscripts recommended to prepare as full paper manuscripts, based on the originality and suitability to the scope of the journal. This assessment will be conducted based on the extended abstracts and the respective presentations at the ISUD-2021. All submitted manuscripts will go through the normal review process at Experiments in Fluids and will be added to the Topical Collection upon acceptance. Profs. Windhab, Murai and Cesare will act as editors of this Topical Collection.

Submission guidelines and instructions for authors can be found at:


whereby the article type should be specified as ‘Ultrasound Doppler Methods’.

We are very grateful to Springer-Nature and Experiments in Fluids for arranging this and hope that many of you can benefit from this opportunity.

On the behalf of the Organizing Committee

International Symposium on Ultrasound Doppler Method for Fluid Mechanics and Fluids Engineering - 2021 at ETH Zurich.

Any questions regarding the conference may be adressed to

Abstract submission:

To submit your abstract please use:


Important Dates:

  • 22.03.21 – Abstract Submission
  • 29.03.21 – Abstract Acceptance
  • 30.04.21 – Extended Abstract due
  • 13.-15.06.21 – Conference
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